Achille's Heel
Achille's Heel
SING, GODDESS, OF THE WRATH OF ACHILLES... Achilles' Heel is a tactical RPG inspired by Homer's Iliad. Players control the forces of the Trojans or Achaeans, led by mighty heroes like Hector, Aeneas, and Achilles himself. Core to the game's mechanics will be a weakness and resistance system, wherein players must overcome enemy units' guard with particular weapon types, exploiting their "Achilles' heel".
How to play
Grab a buddy to play this two player game.
- Each player gets a turn in which they can choose how to move each of their units.
- The player that destroy's their enemy's king wins the game. The trojan's king is Hector. Achilles on the achean side.
This game was built for the Github Gameoff 2022 by:
Abelemw -
Backslash -
Download 13 MB
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